Safety through Perfection, Anton Geesink teachings

In 1977 a book by Anton Geesink was published with the title “Safety through Perfection”. On the front page is Anton Geesink who, in a blue judogi, performs a migi uchi mata, which is blocked by Leo de Vries, in a yellow judogi, in a way that many judoka of today do not know and also […]
Without imagination no result

Without imagination no result by Willem Visser.Life is characterized by ambition, effort, obstacles and results. That ambition is created through imagination and to achieve results, efforts should be made and obstacles to be overcome.
Judo, basic philosophy. Pedagogical play and development of personality.

Judo consists of many movements and very fast reactions. These aspects demand much of the power of concentration and the function of balance
Giving feedback; How to write your personal coach report?

To guide and to coach the different types of athlets (staff) a coach can use the personal coach report. It is advisable to make and hand out a coaching report at least once a year (at the end of a season) with an account of the observations done according to the following criteria: Technique (general) […]
Which type of Judoka, Athlete, Manager or Staff are you?.

During more than 40 years of coaching in top level judo, I have made the following distinction of top sport types (with some modification one can distinguish these types in different kinds of sports). Two types of judoka can be distinguished: The attacking judoka, acting offensively and The awaiting In wihich you can again make a distinction: The […]
Know the different preparation periods in Judo

In judo teaching and judo education (technical, physical and mental) it is important to ditinguish the different preparation periods
As a coach what I should to consider?. Look at these 18 points by Willem Visser

Judo coaching is to learn, to study, to teach, to listen, to observe, to analyze, to think, to stimulate, to inspire and to work very hard.
Stages of development in Judo

In judo teaching and judo education (technical, physical and mental) it is important to know what can be taught in the different age categories.
Judo coaching is to learn, to study, to stimulate… 30 tips.

Judo coaching is to learn, to study, to teach, to listen, to observe, to analyze, to think, to stimulate, to inspire and to work very hard.
Judo, The core that leads to success

Judo is always in full development and judo threatened to degenerate into wrestling in a white and blue suit. Strength and endurance, the additional skills, were a long time more important than the essence of Judo, technique. Fortunately the International Judo Federation, with the inspiring forces of Mr Vizer, Mr Uemura, Mr Barta and Mr Snijders, […]