The case method and the judo randori

Kurosawa’s first film, Sanshiro Sugata,  was based on a novel by Tsuneo Tomita about the rivalry between judo and jujitsu  (when Jigoro Kano began to develop judo from jujutsu, his efforts met with opposition from jujutsu practitioners).Sanshiro Sugata, is a thrilling martial arts action tale, but it’s also a moving story of moral education that’s quintessential Kurosawa. It´s […]

Harvard Business School & Kodokan Judo

In 1913 the Harvard Corporation authorised the continuation of HBS as independent entity. The first Dean Edwin F. Gay and his colleagues  believed business education should adhere the mission of instruction and commitment to research while also instilling in students an appreciation of the responsibilities inherent in the profession and their role as trustees of […]