Articles explaining the KODOKAN GO KYO NO WAZA. 

The content of the technical articles consists of the explanation of the Kodokan Go Kyo no Waza, the description of a basic preparing move before the specific throwing technique and a short explanation of the biomechanics of each throwing technique.

The photos are made by Mario Elshout

  • Tori: Alex Timmers 
  • Uke: Isabella Janssen 
  • Layout: Jorien van Beek, 6th dan Judo JBN 

Willem Visser

Executive Coach, Strategic Adviser, International Lecturer, 8th dan Judo IJF,  9th Dan Judo AJBA and four-time Olympic Coach in Judo.

 With gratitude to all my teachers, specialists, colleagues and especially all the judoka that I was allowed to guide and to coach. 

Sources and inspiring professionals: 

Van der Horst, Cobben, Abe, Saitoh, Yamashita, Uemura, Sugawara, Murata, Hosokawa, Komata, Takahashi, Nakamura, Kasuga, Kawashima, Kariya, Brousse, Besson, Rougé, Ruska, Geesink, de Cree, Barta, Vachun, Viser, Lascau, McConnell, Snijders, Sins, Hoogendijk, Boersma, Odinot, van Dijk, Klok, Landsberg, Covey, de Waal, DeCaluwe, Drucker, Franzen, Goldratt, Hammer, Kets de Vries, Kotler, Mastenbroek, Mintzberg, Peters, Porter, Quinn, ten Bos, Trompenaars, Vinke, Weggeman, Wissema and many others. 

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