If leaders are leading by the principles of coaching than they will achieve a better executing of the task and a better result.

Coaching is a new style of leadership: 

By this new style there is existing commitment and by those commitment one wants to be involved in decisions which have to be made. 

This new style implicated that the responsibility of the sportsmen/women has to enlarge.

And there is a difference between responsible and responsibility. Responsible is mostly reactive and it is implicating judging. Responsibility implicates to make choices and to choice implicates freedom. 

In this new style results will be achieved because of the development of the individual sportsmen/women.

In this new style of coaching a leading coach (or coaching leader) can use one’s own strength and identity. The coach has to be dynamic, innovative and creative. The coach must be very good in guiding difficult interpersonal situations as well as group situations.

The coach must be an inspiring leader. 

Alexander the Great, 356-323 before Christ, gave a good example of inspiring coaching. He was innovative at the battlefield in the way he was leading his troops. He inspired his soldiers tremendously. Before each battle he had the custom to give a pep talk for his officers and soldiers. “The last battle was won by you all, because you are great and I know for sure that you all will win again”. 

Willem Visser 

Executive coach, Strategic Adviser, International Lecturer 8th Dan Judo IJF 

With gratitude to all my teachers, specialists, colleagues and especially all the judoka that I was allowed to guide and to coach.

Sources and inspiring professionals:

Van der Horst, Cobben, Abe, Saitoh, Yamashita, Uemura, Sugawara, Murata, Hosokawa, Komata, Takahashi, Nakamura, Kasuga, Kawashima, Kariya, Brousse, Besson, Rougé, Ruska, Geesink, de Cree, Barta, Vachun, Viser, Lascau, McConnell, Snijders, Sins, Hoogendijk, Boersma, Odinot, van Dijk, Klok and many others.

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