The Judo Management Advisory Council is a panel of select judoka who have discovered the stunning paralels beetwen their professional careers and Judo.

The Advisory Council members share ideas and experiences around the judo application in organizations: companies,  non-profit organisations, professional associations and universities.

Our objective is to enrich our experience with new contents, events, studies and sharing it with the society in harmony and cooperation following the judo principle of » jita  kyoei »  or mutual prosperity for self and others.

Ferran Agúndez

Iniciando mi trayectoria profesional en PricewaterhouseCoopers y en el área financiera, en los últimos 20 años he ocupado diversas posiciones en empresas industriales gestionando equipos comerciales y de operaciones con orientación a proyectos y al desarrollo de canales de venta. Actualmente, combinando mi experiencia y mi pasión propongo un entrenamiento para la mejora del management aplicando los ideales del Judo: empleo eficiente de la energía y progreso mediante la cooperación. "Ceder para vencer" Jigoro Kano. También formo parte del equipo de las consultoras Connociam Consulting y ePeople-c.

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Willem Visser

Willem Visser has more than 45 years of work experience at the highest level. His personal motto: develop all potential power in life. This means that he always is looking for his boundaries and makes sure that others search for theirs. After all he is 8th Dan Judo and has been  four time Olympic coach in Judo and he coaches executives, board members, directors and managers. As goal of his coaching he sees improving the performances and learning possibilities of others, as well as the expansion of the effectiveness of the leader to teach managing capacities or improve them to be able to help others in their development. He took care of coaching projects for a number of well know companies. He has been a guest lecturer at top-level colleges in the Netherlands and abroad. Willem Visser has been working as an executive for the Justice Department, the Police, Business Companies and National & International Sport Federations. In these positions he developed a method to come to self-management. Key objective: through group functionality, self-discipline, self-evaluation one will come to responsible self-determination. Many executives developed to top level with this method, which he also used in his activities as an Olympic coach. His experience formed the basis to coach board members, but also to for fill a couple of directorships (eight years) in business.  

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Ferran Agúndez

Starting my professional career in PWC and in positions in the financial area, during the last 20 years I have held various positions in industrial companies managing operations and sales teams, essentially oriented towards the development of projects and sales channels. From 2013 I have combined my experience with my passion to perform an innovative training based on the judo principles: maximum efficiency with minimum effort and mutual benefit and welfare, to work and life. I also take part in the consulting firm Connociam, as expert coacher in Innovation, Management and Organization, and leader of the Practice of Business Strategy for SMEs.

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Xavier Ferràs

Profesor de Innovación, Estrategia, Entrepreneurship y Tecnología. Consultor, conferenciante, blogger, y emprendedor. Doctor en Administración de Empresas (PhD) por la UB (2009). MBA por ESADE (2002) Ingeniero Superior de Telecomunicaciones por la UPC (1993 Actualmente, soy  profesor  del Departamento de Dirección de Operaciones, Innovación y Data Sciences de ESADE. He colaborado también con Deusto, EADA, EAE, UOC, UPC e IQS en el diseño y docencia de cursos de innovación, estrategia y gestión de la tecnología. Partner y miembro del consejo asesor de Connociam, consultoría de estrategia e innovación.  Hasta 2012, fui Director del Centro de Innovación Empresarial de ACC1Ó (Agencia Catalana de Competitividad), con responsabilidades sobre las políticas de transferencia tecnológica e innovación empresarial de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Anteriormente, fui Director de Desarrollo Empresarial del CIDEM (2005-2008), Jefe de Innovación del CIDEM (2001-2005), y coordinador del primer Plan Estratégico de Innovación de la Generalitat de Catalunya (2001-2004) Como parte de mis funciones en ACC1Ó, he sido miembro de los órganos de gobierno o patronatos de diferentes instituciones vinculadas al mundo de la innovación y la tecnología: clúster biomédico (BIOCAT), clúster aeroespacial (BAiE), Centro de Tecnologías Aerospaciales, Centro Tecnológico de Materiales, Centro de Innovación Barcelona Media, Fundación de Centros de Investigación de la Generalitat, Fundació Catalana per la Recerca o instituto de prospectiva Creafutur. Previamente, fui directivo del sector del automóvil, y profesor asociado de ingeniería electrónica en la Escuela Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación de Barcelona. Soy también autor o co-autor de diferentes artículos y publicaciones sobre innovación y tecnología, entre ellas los libros Innovación 6.0: El fin de la estrategia(Plataforma, 2010), “oPasión por Innovar” (Granica, 2006), publicado junto a Franc Ponti (EADA Business School).  

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Ferran Agúndez

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